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Sick of not knowing what your designer is doing for your money? Try this…


Possibly even having a sense of dread and annoyance that what was discussed in the pre-payment, is not being followed through in the post-payment?

Hmmmm…It’s unnecessarily stressful, right?

I have spoken with many women in business who have had various experiences of angst, after paying a large deposit for building a new website; only to have the tumbleweed and their own imagination to wonder what on earth the designer is doing with their online home. 

They often don’t hear anything for extended periods of time, or see anything until the project has moved on to a point where their feedback is only welcomed within a limited number of changes and re-dos. 

You then feel ‘icky’ providing negative feedback, so often don’t bother and put it all down to an experience you just want to move on from.

Know what I mean?

A solution

Well, I have been there too, so that is why I make it my mission to provide an open and collaborative process in my website design service so that you know what I am doing on your new website from week to week. In effect, I give you a window into my work, so that you may input at any point you choose.

How do you do that?

For all you visual people, I have summarised my process in a visual Infographic, so you can pin it to your new website design board.

You see, I like to work ‘AGILE style’, by providing you with a link and password to be able to view your new website at every stage. You can even edit the content and write notes on the pages for me to look at! You see it as a blank online sheet of paper and watch it grow into a beautiful online home. 

  1. Your Content is King, so seeing it in place and stripped bare of the usual visuals, can be refreshing and help you to re-evaluate what you are trying to communicate.

  2. It is lovely to see it change when harmonious typography is introduced….to see how you feel and whether it is resonant.

  3. This allows me to design the site based on your quality content, and show you how wonderful your words can look, which then allows the right structure to evolve to showcase your work.

  4. The visual feel is then added towards the end with just the right amount of ornamentals to bring your site alive and help it ‘pop out’ of the page.

  5. You have the added benefit of becoming familiar with looking at your site and editing and making changes to it so that handover is not such a scary thing anymore.

If you choose to simply be an observer, then that’s okay too. Whatever feels right. 

This coupled with my weekly emails informing you of when I plan to work on the site helps you feel safe and secure in the knowledge that you are part of a valuable and collaborative process and you see how your precious money is being utilised. 

Over to you

So, when you think about hiring a website designer, consider asking them to do it ‘AGILE style’ and allow you to see what is developing over time.

I would also love to hear any examples of what you would like to see in a service to help you feel safe and secure, or any feedback on the Co-design process I am developing.

Oh and also

If you would like me to weave my magic and design a unique website for you then take a look at my service here.

Pass this on to your social media preference as I am sure there are many people who would appreciate service that has their feelings at the heart of things.

Thank you WebMatros for your inspiration here 😉


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