This is an archived blog post from Green Alder Coaching
This morning I was in the thick of it…
You know that feeling….the creeping, shrinking, and weakening feeling when you spiral into self-doubt.
‘What am I doing? Who do I think I am?’
You compare yourself to others; you whisper cruel words and you are left wanting things to be different…..easier in some way.
Hurry up success…..I’m over here….waiting..!!!
Well, I was there wading in my cesspit of unworthiness; examining the smallness of my solopreneur escapades to date.
Oh, how small it all feels right now. Oh, the mistakes I am making. Oh how slow I am at learning something new…Boo Hoo.
Know the feeling?
Yes, it can hit us like a truck from time to time, whether related to our work or everyday life endeavors.
So, what did I do?
I went for a walk and pondered for a while…
I recount the story of Andy Murray, the tennis player. He won Wimbledon yesterday! Yay!!
The Nation had placed a crushing burden upon him to win at Wimbledon in 2013 after 77 years of waiting. They took him into their hearts and connected with his humanness, as he flooded with tears of vulnerability back in Wimbledon 2012, as he lost the championship (again).
His authenticity shone through whilst his armor fell away from his heart.
Following this, he admitted to grieving for a while and hitting ‘rock bottom;’ but then he tells a story of courage as he picked himself up and aligned himself with his dreams to win at Wimbledon 2013.
He gathered his supportive troops around him and he was not afraid to show the sheer grit and effort he required to build his fitness and resilience of mindset and body.
He patiently kept moving forward, always learning from his mistakes and surrounding himself with people who believed in him. In fact, the whole country believed in him once he was prepared to be really seen. And, boy, did his efforts pay off.
So, what have I learned from Andy Murray?
Any change and realisation of your dreams can take time. It also takes a huge amount of courage, compassion, vulnerability, effort, resilience, support and connection to achieve your dreams. He was, as Brene Brown would say, Daring Greatly.
So Thank You Andy Murray for grounding me today…I may not have the burden and expectation of a nation upon my shoulders, but I do have a dream and I AM Daring Greatly.
Are you in a hurry or are you going to do an Andy Murray?
Are you in the midst of the struggle; Are you making mistakes; Are you learning; Are you challenging yourself; Are you being courageous?
Not as much as you could be?
So, are YOU finding all the support you need to be Daring Greatly?
Not as much as you would like?
I could be one of those troops that you need. I can help you realise your dreams. Check out my Cultivating YOU support package here >>
Oh, and also
If you like this blog post, do share it with your social media preference. Thanks. NB) Brene Brown's quotes in the brown image are from her website and a larger version can be viewed by clicking on the brown picture above.
Oh… and the tennis picture was lovingly created by my wonderful partner Paul 🙂