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The Original Life Design Cards Kickstarter 2022

My website and blog posting may have been quiet this past year, but I have been busy creating in the background. After a difficult few years of navigating a persistent health concern, I am starting to return to a more regular rhythm of life. Holistically managing a health concern with little effective management within the NHS has felt like a full-time job.

Back to the point of my blog post here today. In 2019 I had to withdraw my Life Design cards from the sale (see the previous blog post). I could have made some amendments back then and put the deck back in my Etsy shop. But, I was mortified that my referencing of the permaculture part of the deck was not adequate enough for a particular permaculture designer. Out of the feeling of humiliation, I parked the deck.

I decided to create an entirely new version that encompassed more general sustainability and environmental pointers and still a coaching deck of sorts. Life Design cards 2.0 was born from that. However, the deck did not seem to register with my audience quite as well as the original deck. So, I have not re-ordered any more print runs of LDC 2.0 for the time being.

So what changed?

What was happening was a steady trickle of people enquiring if I would re-print the original deck. This was still occurring up until recently. So, I decided to review the deck again. To my surprise, I realised what I needed to change did not affect the overall emphasis of the deck. I took out specific references to the Permaculture Design Tool being like a web (first 1-12 cards) and substituted coaching prompts instead (which are very similar). Just to be on the safe side, I also decided to use my own words to describe the twelve permaculture principles (cards 13-24) while referencing their origins within the accompanying booklet.

I always saw myself as a facilitator of the message of how great permaculture is and how it can be modified to self-improvement. I fly the flag and always reference the system. I just felt a bit sick to my stomach that I had created irk for one of the designers, and it was never my intention.

Anyway, I am past that now and composted all the icky feelings around it, and I still love permaculture and want to include it in my deck. So, The Original Life Design Cards are back with editing to the booklet copy and the twelve permaculture headings. I have slightly altered some of the visuals. Still, fundamentally the deck is highly similar to the original and hopefully fills the void for people that would like a copy of the original deck in their lives.

What now?

The Kickstarter campaign is planned for March 20th, 2022. I have a landing page on my website here providing further information. There is an invitation to register your email to gain a sense of the number of people interested in supporting the deck. This helps me work out the funding pledge and not overestimate it.

I will continue to update you on my progress but do register your interest here and follow me on Instagram or Facebook on @lisamcloughlinart #lifedesigncards.

Thank you for your continued support of my work.

Bye-bye for now,

Lisa xxx


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