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29 random things…

because of

Recently, I have been doing a course hosted by Holly Worton from Socially Holistic and it’s got me fired up and thinking more about my online presence.

One of the exercises was to look at websites that inspire me and help me connect with the author.

I already know that a strong and unique visual connection is important to me, but hadn’t appreciated some of the other layers beneath.

You see, I also connect with the everyday human aspects of each individual. I don’t even have to have the same interests. It is more about a human connection which helps to build trust.

I am proud of my re-launched website, as it depicts my artistic ability and how I can serve you best.

I view a website home as a powerful dressed shop window. It makes you stop and take notice and it invites you in to explore and experience.

But, what about the insides of the shop too?! The hidden bargain bins the sales racks and the new season editions? It all adds to the experience of whether the shop is one you will return to or recommend to another.

So, this blog post is about the inside of my shop, 29 random extra things you may not know about me, to help you connect with who I am as a human being.

I already have a plethora of blog posts about my journey from NHS professional to coach when I had my first website, Green Alder.

29 random things you may not know about me

1) This is me as a child. I was very shy and very easy to look after. I could entertain myself for hours.


2) This is me with my dad. He sadly passed away in 1997 after 26 years of severely debilitating Multiple Sclerosis. He was an angel to us and he was quite the comedian and always looked on the bright side of life.


3) Once, I came last in a beauty contest at Pontins In Western Super Mare. I was dragged up on stage clutching my usual teddy comforter. The whole experience is still etched in my brain!


4) I was very brainy in school and won a ‘brainy’ award, even with my 80’s Bon Jovi haircut! I kind of didn’t fit in with the usual ‘swotty’ types 😉


5) I used to be very interested in crafts and making things (since I was a young child). I was often disqualified from the school Eisteddfod for entering teddy bears and polar bears that I could not have possibly made ;( But, I had. It was very frustrating.

6) I once saw a ghost and it kept switching off my printer when I was trying to print a picture of a spine for my physiotherapy course.

7) My first car was a VW Beetle!


8) In 2010 I had 12 CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) sessions after being diagnosed with Social Anxiety Disorder combined with being bullied by management in my NHS physiotherapy role.

9) I have not flown since 2003 (by choice) but did enjoy holidays around Europe in the main. One that jumps out is when I drove a moped around Skiathos island in Greece. Today, I love to spend holidays walking in the lush countryside, woodland, and anywhere close to the sea. I now feel open to a longer trip away and am considering a few months in the USA or Canada next year.


10) I swam with dolphins in the Caribbean. Wow, it took my breath away!


11) I had my hair braided to keep me cool. I spent hours and hours sitting patiently as the lady plaited my hair. Only to remove them shortly after as they gave me such a headache. I ended up looking a bit like a monkey!


12) I was married to a great man and was secure with a beautiful home and 8 acres of woodland. But, I was surface happy and ended the relationship in 2011 and walked away from security. We are now divorced on amicable terms.

13) I love animals!! I have had numerous lovely pets over the years and my last pet was a rescue dog called  Harley, a Fox Red Labrador, who I miss with all my heart (divorce). We had such fun together and she used to dance with me when I messed around doing the house chores.

Not forgetting Jasper & Willow, my favourite cats, who I rescued 🙂

Bub and me


14) I love birds and am particularly drawn to owls, blackbirds and robins. When I was little, I joined the RSPB and even had records of birdsong to listen to.

15) In public, I dance like everybody’s watching me, but at home, I bust some amazing moves on the living room floor…honest I do!! Though I did use to enjoy a good Zumba class!

16) I am extremely interested in nutritious & organic food and environmental concerns. I helped start up and was a Director of a Community Supported Agriculture Scheme called FlintShare. I loved the whole community feel whilst making a difference in my local area. I do miss it.


17) I love forest gardens and have even been on a course with the guru Martin Crawford who taught the essentials of how to create one. I have been trained by Patrick Whitefield in Permaculture Design. I have worked voluntarily for a permaculture community garden in Wales called Garth Hillside.

Forest gardens

18) I wrote a guest blog post about being a weed in the right place 😉

19) I won most Transformed in a 30-day video challenge in 2013 with Marisa Murkatroyd. I was quite mischievous and had such fun doing it. I even wore a bra on my head at one point to allow myself to look silly and walk away from perfection.


20) I like to inject laughter and joy into my everyday life. I am very playful and mischievous! I now understand the word ‘giggle snort’ as I do it a lot these days!


21) My partner and I are like ‘two peas in a pod’ and make a great team together.


22) I have a fascination and love for Masterchef and Game of Thrones. I am also a Twilight fan….yieks!!!!

23) I used to have a phobia of having passengers in my car or parking in places that had awkward parking.

24) I love to cook and spend many hours planning out meals and cooking from raw ingredients.

25) I am childless because of circumstances that have haunted me until recently. Deep down I know, given the opportunity, I would have made a fabulous mother. Instead, I am Aunty to Erin and Aidan.

Aidan & Erin

26) I am also a Godmother to Sarah and we spend many hours together playing ‘hair!’.


27) I love all kinds of music, but it’s a good thing for me. I don’t seem to be able to recall the names of bands and most trivia knowledge. I don’t appear to have a brain that retains it ;( Don’t pick me for pub quizzes!!

28) I am not at all competitive except for when I was briefly a GirlGuide (before being thrown out for telling naughty jokes) and once when I played ‘pass the pig’.

29) I love to experience independent cafes wherever I go. I am a coffee lover and a home-cooked quirky food lover! Yummy!


Yes, all a bit random, and I could go on, but I feel like stopping at 29 😉 29 is the age I would like to be right now with the benefit of hindsight 😉

So, I am a relatively new service and I still have a 25% discount offer on my new Website service here.

If you like what you see and you are interested in hiring me then do connect with me. I am always happy to hear from people.

If not, then do share with your social media preference 😉

Thank you.



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© Lisa McLoughlin Art  2015-2024 
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Made in the United Kingdom.
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